Home » Cofrete anti explozie ATEX » Cofrete Ensto Cubo X empty Ex cu deschidere tip flansa pe fund si laturi, tabla din otel, vopsita

Cofrete Ensto Cubo X empty Ex cu deschidere tip flansa pe fund si laturi, tabla din otel, vopsita

Ensto Cubo X is a tailored enclosing system for electrical components in hazardous environments, which specifically addresses the customer’s need for flexibility.

Certified to meet the demanding ATEX environment requirements, the product is suitable for Ex i, Ex e and Ex tD protection types. Read more about our product certificates.

A code key has been created to help customers define and make the optimal choice for their specific needs and situations.

To meet the needs of distributors and wholesalers we have created some standard sizes. The materials used in these standard sizes are stainless steel AISI 316L and polyester painted mild steel, in line with the norm for this market.

Producator: ENSTO